transfer to us
choose foster wales RCT
Foster Wales Rhondda Cynon Taf is your local authority fostering service. We’re all about people, not profit, and we’re dedicated to working together with you to build better futures for our local children in RCT.
We’re part of the national network of all 22 local authority fostering teams in Wales. If you’re already fostering with your local authority, you’re already part of our Foster Wales team.
The aim of Foster Wales RCT’s Children’s Service is to limit the number of children who need to be looked after in the first place. By having foster carers work with us rather than for independent agencies means we can better focus on this goal. It means more investment in supportive services for children, their families, and foster carers.
If you’re a foster carer with another local authority, an agency, or a 3rd sector organisation, but you’re looking to transfer to Foster Wales RCT, read below for further information.

benefits of fostering with your local authority
As a local authority, we have the ultimate responsibility for all the children looked-after in our area. Our main aim is to provide children with the opportunity to stay local, thrive and improve their life chances through well supported foster carers. Everything we do has the children in mind.
We’re committed to providing an exceptional level of care and support to children and foster carers. And as a not-for-profit organisation, all the funding we receive goes towards the service we provide, on your training and support, reinvested into our foster carers. We do not make a profit on children in care.
We offer not only outstanding support and guidance, but also a competitive package of finance and rewards. We know that you don’t do this for money, but we also understand that you need to be financially stable in order to effectively carry out your role as a foster carer.

what we offer at foster wales RCT
- A support network of over 230 foster carers based in RCT, with mentoring from experienced carers
- Generous financial allowances. For example right now in RCT there are foster carers who receive between £15,522 and £41,600 per year
- An annual retention fee split into two payments across the year
- 24 hour on-call support
- Free leisure membership for your household
- 12 week retainer programme, for the times in between children in your care
- Guidance, support and training, including therapeutic intervention service MAPSS by The Behavioural Clinic
- Monthly consultations to share views, plus social activities and annual appreciation events
Read more about support and rewards here.

“We always feel that the support we need is there if needed 24 hours a day. We have fostered with RCT for 9 years. We have no regrets about transferring from the agency, it was the best decision for us. We would highly recommend fostering with RCT local authority.”
Amanda, RCT local authority foster carer

how to transfer to us
The transfer process is quite straightforward to move from your current fostering agency to the local authority. From our initial chat we will talk openly about how the process is going to work. As you’re already in the fostering world, the process will be specific to you.
Plenty of other foster carers have transferred to Foster Wales RCT already, so we’ve learnt how to make the process as seamless as possible, and you’ll be kept in the loop the whole way.
We want to know how we can best support you going forward, identify any needs you may have, and make sure we know you inside out to figure out which children would be best suited to you and your family.
It all starts with a chat.